Board Elections

To be eligible for positions on the Board of Directors, you must be a current member of the NDC Association of Alumni and Friends. Board members are elected to three-year terms and meet several times throughout the year. Anyone wishing to be considered to be a part of this dedicated group should e-mail their name to Please provide a brief bio, a reason why you wish to be on the board and why you would be a good candidate.

We are now accepting applications for our 2017 Board of Directors! Applications must be received no later than July 7, 2017. Voting will be conducted during the last few weeks in June, and newly elected Board Members will be announced at our Annual Reunion on Saturday, July 22, 2017.

If you have any questions please e-mail us at

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  1. ‘Tis the Season: Board Elections, Scholarships & Award Nominations – Notre Dame College Association of Alumni and Friends

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